Henry - The Protector

Henry, the most famous Aussie to take walkabouts on the streets of Coshocton and the hills of Fresno, passed away at 4:18 pm on October 31st.

Henry, like Fausto Carmona, hid his real age, but was believed to be about 11.  He spent his first year on the streets of Macon, Ga.  There, he learned the fine art of scarfing old pizza crusts and hot dog buns.  Just hours from a promised euthanized appointment, Henry was saved by a local USAF officer.

After a few sabaticals to Coshocton while his master was deployed, Henry decided to avoid the hot sultry summers of middle Georgia and stay on South Third St.

Henry's most significant contribution to society was his groundhog eradication efforts at the girl's softball complex on Water Street.  His 99% success rate was admired by others of his ilk.  Surprisingly, there remains one fat, smart whistlepig that he was unable to eliminate.

He was never skunked.

Henry was preceded in death by Lukenbach, EmmyLou, Tally W, Hogan, Fancy, Lucy and Lil Dog.  He is survived by Desi and Georgia.

Henry's walker would like to thank Pleasant Valley Vet Clinic & Pampered Pooch for years of care.  Thanks to the gentlemen at Hardees who always had a friendly wave in the mornings.  Also, special recognition to Uncle Junior who always had a cookie waiting on the fire hydrant at the halfway point of the morning walks.

There will be no calling hours and he will be interred in Fresno.

In lieu of cards, please put an extra dollar in the collection plate.

Henry will be sadly missed by those who knew him; not so much by those he bit.

Henry                Desi                     Lucy

Fresno, Ohio

the hippest village east of Marfa, Tx